中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 16 Day 1

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 16 Day 1

Weekly topic

Let’s talk about traditional Japanese culture.


David: What do you think of the rickshaw, Hannah?

Hannah: This is fantastic! Is it part of traditional Japanese culture?

David: Yes! A long time ago, rickshaws were a popular way to get around. They were like taxis. Now, rickshaw are mostly used for tourism. Some drivers can speak several languages.

Hannah: That’s awesome! I can imagine Japanese people using these a hundred years ago.

David: And it’s perfect for our day out. But I forgot, what are we going to watch?

Hannah: Rakugo. It’s a kind of traditional Japanese performance. A person sits alone on stage and tells a story to the audience.

David: Uh-huh.

The stories are usually funny, and sometimes dramatic. The performer plays all the characters on their own.

David: Wow! They do the whole performance alone?

Hannah: That’s right! And they only have a folding fan and piece of cloth to help tell the story.

David: That sounds incredible! I can’t wait!

Did you catch it?

day out



Boost your communication skills

What did you think when you first …?

What did you think when first came to Japan?
What did you think when you first tried natto?


think of …  ~を思い浮かべる
Let’s see.  えーと。そうですね。
tea ceremony  茶道
Shinto shrine  神社
Japanese calligraphy  書道
move to music  音楽に合わせて動く
costume  コスチューム、衣装
gorgeous  豪華な、華やかな
fall asleep  眠りに落ちる
unusual  普通でない、珍しい
describe  ~を描写する、説明する
mostly  ほとんど
tourism  観光、観光産業
on their own  ひとりで
folding fan  扇子
incredible  信じられないくらい素晴らしい
the score is 3 to 1  スコアは3対1です
a while  しばらくの間
crowded  混雑した
a bit of a …  やや~、ちょっとした~
texture  口当たり、歯ごたえ
keep the conversation going  会話を続ける
rickshaw  人力車

tora taro