中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 14 Day 5

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 14 Day 5

Weekly topic

What would you bring to a desert island?


Logan: Emily, did you see the TV show about a man on a desert island?

Emily: Yeah. He survived on the island by himself for a year.

Logan: I realized that TV show. Can you imagine living like that? What would you bring to a desert island?

Emily: Hmm. Good question, Logan. I would bring a magnifying glass.

Logan: A magnifying glass? What would you need to magnify?

Emily: I wouldn’t use it to look at things. I would use it to make a fire with the sunlight. I could cook food and keep warm.

Logan: Oh, I see. I didn’t think of that. That’s really smart.

Emily: Thanks. What would you bring to a desert island?

Logan: That’s easy. I would bring a book!

Emily: A book? Why? You can’t use a book to get food or water.

Logan: With a good book, I could use my imagination. I wouldn’t get bored at all. Also, books don’t need batteries.

Emily: Well, you’re right about that.

Fuku’s opinion

I would bring my friends. My friend.

I don’t like to be alone.

Helping each other.

For example, I make fire with stones or wood.

My friends catch fish.

With a friend, I wouldn’t feel lonely.

It’s your turn!



pay attention to …  ~に注意を払う
without a friend  友だちがいない
trade  ~を交換する
skill  技術・能力
Me neither. (否定文のあとで)私もです。
go back home  家に帰る
clever  頭が良い、賢い
shelter  避難所、シェルター
I don’t mind being alone. 私はひとりでいることが嫌ではありません。
try not to fight too much  あまりケンカしすぎないようにね
shoot  (映画などの)撮影
we weren’t trapped  私たちは閉じ込められてはいませんでした

tora taro