中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 11 Day 4

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 11 Day 4

Weekly topic

Is there something new you want to try?

Ananda’s opinion

I’d like to learn French.
I have friends who speak French and it would be fun to talk to them.
I have always been interested in languages. When I studied French a little in junior high,
I liked it, but it was only a two-week course.
So, I’d like to study more.
Since I am good at copying sounds, I enjoy trying to speak different languages. Also, finding out the meaning of words is fascinating.


She wants to try learning French. / She would like to learn French.
She has always been interested in languages.
Because she is good at copying sounds.

Vinay’s opinion

I want to try skydiving.
It may be scary, but sometimes I like to try things that are scary to me.
I tried bungee jumping once, and that was really fun.
Jumping out of an airplane must be super exciting.
And the view from so high up would be amazing.
I just hope I would actually be brave enough to jump.


He wants to try skydiving.
Yes, he has. He has tried bungee jumping.
The view from high up.


copy sounds  音を真似る
find out …  ~を知る・学ぶ
fascinating  魅力的な・興味をそそる
scary  怖い
brave  勇敢な、勇気のある
way  かなり
hopefully  願わくは(~だといいのですが)
What does he think would be amazing?  彼は何を素晴らしいと思うのでしょうか?
incredible  信じられないくらいに素晴らしい
There you go.  それはいい。
let us know how it goes  どうなったか私たちに知らせる

tora taro