中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 5 Day 5

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 5 Day 5

Weekly topic

Do we need homework?


Alex: We have so much homework this week. Do we really need homework?
Julie: Well… what do you think, Alex?

Alex: I don’t think we need homework.

Julie: Why not?

Alex: We already study hard all day at school. I’m on the soccer team, so I have practice after school. When I get home, I’m really tired. I want to relax.

Julie: I understand.

Alex: What do you think, Julie?

Julie: I think that we need homework. It’s helpful to practice what we learned in class. Homework helps us remember and understand the information.

Alex: I guess that’s true. It good to review what you learned.

Julie: Exactly. Then, you can do better on tests. However, you shouldn’t study too hard.

Alex: Right. Taking breaks is also important.

So, Ananda, do we need homework

Ananda: I don’t think we need homework. Students should be able to choose what they need to review. For example, if you know you need to study math more, you could do math homework.

Fuku’s opinion

I don’t think we need homework.
Because we are very busy.
At school and after school.
If we have a lot of homework, we would have to cut our sleeping time.
We would feel tired and sleepy.
So, I don’t think we need homework.

It’s your turn!

I think we need homework because it’s good for us to review what we learned in class. If we don’t review, we would forget the information. So, I think we need homework.

We’d like to end the show with a song.

It’s Nice To Go Trav’ling by Frank Sinatra.


I wonder what you’re going to say.  何をあなたは言うのかな。
Too bad.  それは残念
Go for it!  頑張って!
be awake  起きている
get a lot of sleep  たくさん睡眠を取る
That’s very true.  そのとおり。
I have mixed feelings  私は混ざった(両方の)感情を持っています
a big thing  大きなこと・問題
I’m sure it is.  そうだろうね。

tora taro