中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 4 Day 3

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 4 Day 3

Weekly topic

What kind of superpower do you want to have?

This week, we are listing to Joe and Kate’s conversation.
They are talking about the superpowers they wish to have.

Yesterday, we talked about Joe’s ideas.
So, let’s go over what he says in the dialogue.

from the Dialogue

Kate: That movie was great.
Joe: Yeah, it was so good. I wish I could have a superpower. I would like to be able to fly.

Kate: That would be very cool.

Joe: Just imagine it. You could fly up above the buildings and trees and over the mountains and cities at night, too.

Kate: Excellent.

Joe: You would feel so free and I would never have to use a busy train ever again.



Kate: That movie was great.
Joe: Yeah, it was so good. I wish I could have a superpower. I would like to be able to fly.

Kate: That would be very cool.

Joe: Just imagine it. You could fly up above the buildings and trees and over the mountains and cities at night, too.

Kate: Excellent.

Joe: You would feel so free and I would never have to use a busy train ever again.

Kate: I would like to be super strong. Then, I wouldn’t feel pain. I wouldn’t be scared of a flu shot.

Joe: That would be nice, too.

Kate: I wish I could run superfast, too. If I were superfast, I could become a world-famous athlete. And I would never be late for school.

Joe: Hey, you can’t have two superpowers!

Kate: Why not? It’s my fantasy.


Kate の意見を詳しくみていきましょう。質問をクリックすると回答例が出ます
She is scared of flu shots.

Let’s check that part.

from the Dialogue

Kate: I would like to be super strong. Then, I wouldn’t feel pain. I wouldn’t be scared of a flu shot.

from the Dialogue

Kate: I would like to be super strong. Then, I wouldn’t feel pain. I wouldn’t be scared of a flu shot.

Joe: That would be nice, too.

Kate: I wish I could run superfast, too. If I were superfast, I could become a world-famous athlete. And I would never be late for school.

Joe: Hey, you can’t have two superpowers!

Kate: Why not? It’s my fantasy.

She could become a world-famous athlete.
from the Dialogue

Kate: If I were superfast, I could become a world-famous athlete.

Today’s “takeaway” phrase!

from the Dialogue

Kate: If I were superfast, I could become a world-famous athlete.

If I were an astronaut, I could float in space.
If I were a superhero, I could help many people.


Thanks for having me today.  今日はお招きいただきありがとう。
go over …  ~を復習する・確認する
very close.  とても近い、とても惜しい
to wrap up  まとめに
never have to use a busy train ever again  もう二度と混んだ電車を使う必要はない
be scared of …  ~が怖い、~を怖がる
shot  注射
right now  今
Me either.  私も
astronaut  宇宙飛行士
float  浮く、浮かぶ
So do I.  私もですよ。

tora taro