中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 210 Wrap-up Friday

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 210 Wrap-up Friday

This Week’s Stories


Lesson 206 本気だよ

Nigel and Sapna have just finished watching a live musical at the Opera House.
Sapna: That musical was delightful! Thanks for taking me out, Nigel.

Nigel: Yes, it was really enjoyable.

Sapna: I’ve wanted to see “The Sound of the Didgeridoo” for a long time.

Nigel: I liked the historical setting for the story.

Sapna: I thought the lead actor was wonderful.

Nigel: The song she sang about her father was emotional.

Sapna: Do you know how old that actor is?

Nigel: No.

Sapna: Only seventeen! But her voice is so powerful.

Nigel: I think you can sing as well as she can. Maybe you’ll be a famous actor someday.

Sapna: Oh, Nigel, stop it.

Nigel: I’m serious!


Nigel thinks Sapna can sing as well as the lead actor can.
He thinks maybe Sapna will be a famous actor someday.

Lesson 207 コ・イ・バ・ナ・・・?

Kota and Nigel are walking home after school.
Kota: I heard you went on a date with Sapna last night.

Nigel: News travels fast.

Kota: I think it’s great that you two are together.

Nigel: She and I are so different from each other.

Kota: They say that opposites attract.

Nigel: I suppose so. You know, you spend so much time with Briony. It’s obvious that you like her.

Kota: It… it is?

Nigel: Of course! You’re leaving soon. Maybe you should tell her how you feel.

Kota: I don’t know. Sometimes I think she just sees me as a friend.

Nigel: Briony doesn’t always show her true feelings. So, it’s up to you to say something.

Kota: Perhaps you’re right.


Kota spends so much time with Briony. But he thinks she just sees him as a friend.

Lesson 208 ハリーの決心

Kota and his friends are eating lunch after surfing at Manly Beach.
Harry: Your confidence is fully back, Briony.

Briony: Yeah, that was so much fun!

Kota: I’m really going to miss surfing with you guys.

Angie: Well, you’re not the only one who is leaving soon, Kota.

Kota: What?

Angie: Tell him, Harry.

Harry: I’ve decided to take a gap year.

Kota: What’s that?

Angie: A gap year means taking a year off before going to university or getting a job. Many young Australians use a gap year to travel.

Harry: I love surfing in Australia. But surfing is enjoyed in many different countries. I want to travel around the world and surf in lots of different places.


Harry has decided to take a gap year. Many young Australians use a gap year to travel.

Lesson 209 ふたりの約束

Angie and Harry are walking in the park.
Angie: I can’t believe you’re really going. I’ll be so lonely without you.

Harry: I feel the same way. But this is the right timing for my gap year. It’s a good opportunity for me.

Angie: I understand.

Harry: I wish you could come with me.

Angie: Yeah, but I still have one more year of high school. And then I want to go to art school. It’s my dream to be a professional artist.

Harry: Well, come meet up with me for a bit during winter break. I’ll be in Hawaii then.

Angie: Sounds great!

Harry: Let me know when you find out your schedule.


Both Angie and Harry will be so lonely. Harry wishes she could come with him.

Working Out☆Plus☆

Working Out

What’s your dream?

It’s my dream to play at a huge rock festival.

It’s my dream to go to Scotland.

It’s my dream to be a nurse.

It’s my dream to sing at the Opera House.

It’s my dream to travel all over the world.

It’s my dream to eat delicious food every day.

tora taro