中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 196 あの波をつかめ!

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 196 あの波をつかめ!

Story Time

It’s the day of the surfing competition at Bondi Beach.
Announcer: Welcome to the Young Surfers Championship! One of our judges is with me right now – Mr. Scott Wailani!

Scott: Hello, everyone.

Announcer: Many young people are hoping to achieve their dreams today. You’re certainly an inspiration to them.

Scott: I understand how they feel. I’ve surfed since I was a kid. And this was the first competition I participated in.

Announcer: And you won first place, didn’t you?

Scott: Yes. After that, I decided to be a pro surfer. So, this A competition is very meaningful to me.

Announcer: Do you have any message for our contestants?

Scott: Go grab those waves!

Words & Phrases

judges  審査員、審判
achieve  ~を達成する
inspiration  人に刺激を与える人、ひらめき
participated in…  ~に参加した
won first place  優勝した、1位になった
meaningful  重要な、意味のある
grab  ~をつかむ
Go grab those waves! Go and grab those waves! あの波をつかまえに行け!

Retelling Prep

Scott won first place in the Young Surfers Championship.
After that, he decided to be a pro surfer.

Today’s Goal

I’ve surfed since I was a kid.

Working Out

I’ve done kendo since I was a kid.
I’ve danced since I was ten.
I’ve played soccer since I was a child.

Have a Chat

You’re doing very well. I’m impressed!
Thank you. I’ve danced since I was ten.
Practice makes perfect!

Wrap It Up!

Scott won first place in the Young Surfers Championship.
After that, he decided to be a pro surfer.

Today’s Story


It’s the day of the surfing competition at Bondi Beach.

Today`s Story

Welcome to the Young Surfers Championship! One of our judges is with me right now – Mr. Scott Wailani!
Hello, everyone.
Many young people are hoping to achieve their dreams today. You’re certainly an inspiration to them.
I understand how they feel. I’ve surfed since I was a kid. And this was the first competition I participated in.
And you won first place, didn’t you?
Yes. After that, I decided to be a pro surfer. So, this A competition is very meaningful to me.
Do you have any message for our contestants?
Go grab those waves!
tora taro