中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 195 Wrap-up Friday

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 195 Wrap-up Friday

This Week’s Stories


Lesson 191 技をみがこう!

Kota is in his room. He is watching surfing videos on his tablet.
Scott: Hi! Scott Wailani here. So, you’ve mastered the basics. You know when to do the first turn. Now it’s time to expand your skills. Today I’ll teach you some more advanced techniques. Let’s start with carving. Watch me. Put your weight on your heels. Then put your weight on your toes. And back and forth.

Kota: Back and forth.

Scott: Good! This is called carving. With carving, you can ride the wave for a long time. Next, I’ll show you some more impressive tricks.


Scott says it’s time to expand your skills. With carving, you can ride the wave for a long time.

Lesson 192 あのとき言ってくれたよね

After surfing in the evening, Kota and Briony are eating dinner at a pizza place.
Kota: Thanks for surfing with me even after school.

Briony: I need the practice, too! I could do lots of tricks before I hurt my arm. But now I’m having trouble. For the first time, I felt nervous when I was surfing. But you told me that you believed in me. That was blos so valuable.

Kota: We’re running out of time though! Next weekend is our last full weekend before the competition. Let’s get an early start on Saturday.

Briony: OK! I should go back home now. I still have to do my homework.

Kota: Me, too!


Briony could do lots of tricks before she hurt her arm. For the first time, she felt nervous when she was surfing.

Lesson 193 チャレンジあるのみ

Kota, Briony, Angie, and Harry arrive at Manly Beach on Saturday morning.
Harry: All right, it’s a beautiful day! And the waves are in good condition, too. A perfect day for surfing.

Kota: Let’s try to practice for as long as possible.

Briony: I can’t wait to get into the water!

Kota: Me, neither.

Harry: You two have a great attitude!

Kota: I’m getting better at turns. I want to practice my new tricks though. The new tricks are harder than turns.

Harry: But you can also score points by doing lots of turns.

Briony: I want to try doing a 360 spin.

Harry: That’s really advanced!

Kota: What’s a 360 spin?

Harry: You turn your board around 360 degrees.

Kota: Cool!


Kota wants to practice his new tricks. Briony wants to try doing a 360 spin.

Lesson 194 わたし・・・勝ちたい!

At a seafood restaurant by Manly Beach, everyone is eating lunch.
Harry: Kota, you’ve progressed so much! You’re able to do many turns in a row now. And you tried some tricks!

Kota: Thanks!

Briony: I tried to do a lot of tricks today. But I couldn’t do all of them. I still couldn’t do a 360 spin. Every time I fall off my board, I remember my accident.

Harry: Doing a 360 spin is really hard. I’m not sure you should try one in the competition.

Briony: But there will be over a hundred participants. I need to do something special to win. I’m going to keep practicing my tricks every day until then!


There will be over a hundred participants. Briony needs to do something special to win.

Working Out☆Plus☆

Working Out

You did a great job.

Stuart told me I did a great job.

You were wonderful.

Anya told me I was wonderful.

You improved a lot.

Stuart told me I improved a lot.

You tried your best.

Anya told me I tried my best.

tora taro