中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 191 技をみがこう!

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 191 技をみがこう!

Story Time

Kota is in his room. He is watching surfing videos on his tablet.
Scott: Hi! Scott Wailani here. So, you’ve mastered the basics. You know when to do the first turn. Now it’s time to expand your skills. Today I’ll teach you some more advanced techniques. Let’s start with carving. Watch me. Put your weight on your heels. Then put your weight on your toes. And back and forth.

Kota: Back and forth.

Scott: Good! This is called carving. With carving, you can ride the wave for a long time. Next, I’ll show you some more impressive tricks.

Words & Phrases

(have) mastered  ~を習得した
basics  基礎 《複数形で使う》
expand  ~を広げる、~を拡大する
advanced  高度な、発達した
weight  体重、重さ
back and forth  交互に、前後に

Retelling Prep

Scott says it’s time to expand your skills. With carving, you can ride the wave for a long time.

Today’s Goal

You know when to do the first turn.

Working Out

I know when to start.
I know how to play.
I know what to do.

Have a Chat

Are you ready?
Yes. I know when to start.
OK. You’re the best drummer!

Wrap It Up!

Scott says it’s time to expand your skills. With carving, you can ride the wave for a long time.

Today’s Story


Kota is in his room. He is watching surfing videos on his tablet.

Today`s Story

Hi! Scott Wailani here.
So, you’ve mastered the basics. You know when to do the first turn.
Now it’s time to expand your skills.
I’m not sure why you’re laughing.
Today I’ll teach you some more advanced techniques. Let’s start with carving. Watch me.
Put your weight on your heels. Then put your weight on your toes. And back and forth.
Back and forth.
Good! This is called carving.
With carving, you can ride the wave for a long time.
Next, I’ll show you some more impressive tricks.
tora taro