中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 142 農場で、お手伝い

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 142 農場で、お手伝い

Story Time

Kota and the Millers are at Emily’s fruit farm. She is showing them around.
Kota: Wow, there are so many trees!

Emily: The mild climate in Tasmania is perfect for growing fruit.

Kota: Yes, it’s much cooler here than in Sydney.

Emily: Tasmania exports fruit to many countries in Asia. Right now, berries are in season. We have been busy since last week. And those trees over there are our most popular – cherries. So, Angie, Kota, today you’re going to help me with cherry-picking! Take a basket, and let’s start picking!

Kota & Angie: OK!

Words & Phrases

mild  温暖な
climate  氣候
growing  栽培すること、育てること
exports … to ~  ・・・を~へ輸出する
(be) in season  旬である
cherry-picking  さくらんぼ摘み

Retelling Prep

The mild climate in Tasmania is perfect for growing fruit. It exports fruit to many countries in Asia.

Today’s Goal

We have been busy since last week.

Working Out

I’ve been busy since last month.
I’ve been hungry since this morning.
I’ve been tired since Friday.

Have a Chat

Are you busy these days?
Yes. I’ve been busy since last month.
Don’t work so hard!

Wrap It Up!

The mild climate in Tasmania is perfect for growing fruit. It exports fruit to many countries in Asia.

Today’s Story


Kota and the Millers are at Emily’s fruit farm. She is showing them around.

Today`s Story

Wow, there are so many trees!
The mild climate in Tasmania is perfect for growing fruit.
Yes, it’s much cooler here than in Sydney.
Tasmania exports fruit to many countries in Asia. Right now, berries are in season.
We have been busy since last week. And those trees over there are our most popular – cherries.
So, Angie, Kota, today you’re going to help me with cherry-picking! Take a basket, and let’s start picking!
tora taro