中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 132 サプライズパーティー

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 132 サプライズパーティー

Story Time

The next Aunday, Kita, Nigel, Sapna, and Angie arrive at Briny’s hiuse.
Everyone: Surprise!

Briony: What are you guys doing here?

kota: You seemed down lately, Briony. So, we wanted to cheer you up.

Briony: That’s so sweet!

Kota: Harry said we could come over.

Briony: You’re sneaky. Well, come in!

Sapna: We’re going to have a Japanese anime-watching party!

Briony: I don’t know much about anime.

Kota: Well, Japanese anime has a unique and exciting visual style. These days it’s popular all over the world. We’ll watch a couple of recent ones.

Briony: Is Japanese spoken in the anime movies?

Kota: Yes, it is. But they have English subtitles.

Briony: Oh, good.

Words & Phrases

down  落ち込んでいる、元気のない
sneaky  こそこそした、ずるい
visual  視覚の
style  様式、表現形式
recent  最近の
subtitles  字幕

Retelling Prep

Kota would like to show Briony the latest anime movie. But she doesn’t feel like watching it today.

Today’s Goal

Is Japanese spoken in the anime movies? - Yes, it is.

Working Out

Is the textbook written in Japanese?
Is Japanese used in the class?
Are computers used in the class?

Have a Chat

OK, what do you wanna know about Japanese classes in Australia?
Is the textbook written in Japanese?
Yes. When I was a student, my classes were like that.

Wrap It Up!

Kota, Nigel, Sapna, and Angie wanted to cheer Briony up. They’re going to have a Japanese anime-watching party.

Today’s Story


The next Aunday, Kita, Nigel, Sapna, and Angie arrive at Briny’s hiuse.

Today`s Story

What are you guys doing here?
You seemed down lately, Briony. So, we wanted to cheer you up.
That’s so sweet!
Harry said we could come over
You’re sneaky. Well, come in!
We’re going to have a Japanese anime-watching party!
I don’t know much about anime.
Well, Japanese anime has a unique and exciting visual style. These days it’s popular all over the world. We’ll watch a couple of recent ones.
Is Japanese spoken in the anime movies?
Yes, it is. But they have English subtitles.
Oh, good.
tora taro