中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 129 サーフィンができない・・・!

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 129 サーフィンができない・・・!

Story Time

At the hospital, the doctor speaks to Briony and her family.
Doctor: Take a look at this X-ray. There is a small break in the bone. But luckily, Briony’s injury is not too serious. She has to wear this cast for a while.

Briony: I don’t know when I can surf again.

Doctor: The bone needs to heal. It will take about three to four weeks. Then we can remove the cast. And if your arm is better, you can go surfing.

Briony: That’s so disappointing.

Harry: It’s not too bad. And I think the cast looks cool!

Words & Phrases

bone  骨
luckily  幸いにも
injury  けが
serious  深刻な、重大な
cast  ギプス
heal  治る
remove  ~をはずす、~を取り去る
disappointing  がっかりさせるような

Retelling Prep

Briony’s injury is not too serious. She has to wear a cast for a while.

Today’s Goal

I don’t know when I can surf again.

Working Out

I don’t know when I can have lunch.
I don’t know when I can go to bed.
I don’t know when I can go shopping.

Have a Chat

Are you busy?
Yes, I am. I don’t know when I can go to bed.
Take care of yourself!


Are you busy?
Yes, I am. I don’t know when I can have lunch.
Anya: Take care of yourself!

Are you busy?
Yes, I am. I don’t know when I can work out.
Anya: Take care of yourself!

Wrap It Up!

Briony’s injury is not too serious. She has to wear a cast for a while.

Today’s Story


At the hospital, the doctor speaks to Briony and her family.

Today`s Story

Take a look at this X-ray. There is a small break in the bone. But luckily, Briony’s injury is not too serious. She has to wear this cast for a while.
I don’t know when I can surf again.
The bone needs to heal. It will take about three to four weeks. Then we can remove the cast. And if your arm is better, you can go surfing.
That’s so disappointing.
It’s not too bad. And I think the cast looks cool!
tora taro