中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 088 輝く星の下で

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 088 輝く星の下で

Story Time

Kota and Briony are talking at the campground at night.
Briony: You can imagine lots of pictures in the stars.

Kota: Those ones on the left look like an onigiri!

Briony: Those ones on the right look like a surfboard.

Kota: You think so? You really love surfing.

Briony: Hey, Kota, do you remember how to find the Southern Cross?

Kota: Yeah! I can tell you that the Southern Cross is over there.

Briony: Right! I want to look at the sky all night.

Kota: Well, we should go to sleep soon. We’re watching the sunrise near Uluru tomorrow.

Words & Phrases

imagine ~を想像する
on the left 左側に
on the right 右側に
all night ひと晩中
sunrise 日の出
Uluru ウルル《オーストラリア中央部にある岩山》

Retelling Prep

You can imagine lots of pictures in the stars. Briony wants to look at the sky all night.

Today’s Goal

I can tell you that the Southern Cross is over there.

Working Out

I can tell you it was amazing.
I can tell you it was scary.
I can tell you it was fantastic.

Have a Chat


How was the rollercoaster?
I can tell you it was fantastic.
Ooh, I wanna ride it, too!

Wrap It Up!

You can imagine lots of pictures in the stars. Briony wants to look at the sky all night.

Today’s Story


Kota and Briony are talking at the campground at night.

Today`s Story

You can imagine lots of pictures in the stars.
Those ones on the left look like an onigiri!
Those ones on the right look like a surfboard.
You think so? You really love surfing.
Hey, Kota, do you remember how to find the Southern Cross?
Yeah! I can tell you that the Southern Cross is over there.
Right! I want to look at the sky all night.
Well, we should go to sleep soon. We’re watching the sunrise near Uluru tomorrow.
tora taro