中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 075 Wrap-up Friday

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 075 Wrap-up Friday

This Week’s Stories



Kota and Briony gather with a group of volunteers at Bondi Beach for the beach clean-up.
Briony: I’m glad you could come, Kota.

Kota: I’m excited to join the beach clean-up.

Andrew: Hi, I’m Andrew, a lifeguard here. I’ll be your leader today. Everyone, we have a lot of work to do today. Take one bag and one pair of tongs. You can use the tongs to pick up trash. Then put it in the bag.

Kota: I thought lifeguards rescue people in the ocean.

Briony: They do, but they also lead activities like this.


Kota is excited to join the beach clean-up. He thought lifeguards rescue people in the ocean.


Kota and Briony get ready to start their beach clean-up.
Andrew: Volunteers, let’s pick up a lot of trash today! It’s time to start cleaning. OK?

All (except Andrew): OK!

Briony: Let’s walk this way, Kota.

Kota: Is this your first beach clean-up experience?

Briony: No, I always join these events when I have time.

Kota: It’s important to you, isn’t it?

Briony: Yeah. Trash from land often ends up in the ocean. That can harm or even kill the animals in the ocean.


Trash from land often ends up in the ocean. That can harm or even kill the animals in the ocean.


Kota and Briony pick up trash on the beach and chat.
Kota: When did you start surfing?

Briony: I began to surf when I was ten years old. My dad taught us. One day, when I was surfing, I was shocked. I saw a lot of plastic bags and trash in the water. I wanted to protect our ocean and environment.

Kota: You really care about the ocean. I think that’s awesome.

Briony: Yeah. And when I surf, I connect with the ocean and with nature.


Briony wanted to protect our ocean and environment. When she surfs, she connects with the ocean and with nature.


After picking up trash, the group gathers again.
Andrew: Great job, volunteers! Thanks to your effort, we picked up a lot of trash. Now, we have to sort it. Put the plastic bags and plastic bottles there, the cans there, and other trash there. Be careful not to mix the different trash.

Briony: Thanks for volunteering today, Kota.

Kota: I’m glad we could help!

Briony: So… we’re going surfing again on Wednesday…. Are you coming?

Kota: Of course!


The volunteers picked up a lot of trash. They have to sort it.

Working Out☆Plus☆

Working Out

It’s seven in the morning.

It’s time to eat breakfast.
It’s time to make breakfast.

It’s ten is in the morning.

It’s time to go to the gym.
It’s time to stretch.

It’s two in the afternoon.
It’s time to bake bread.
It’s time to practice singing.


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