中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 今週の復習・英訳練習

今週の基礎英語レベル2の Story Time の例文を英訳練習してみましょう。

Lesson 061 珍しい動物がいるよ

Kota and Angie are chatting in the living room.


What Australian animals do you know, Kota?
Everyone knows kangaroos. And koalas are very popular in Japan. And I saw a TV program about a cute Australian animal. It looks like a big mouse with a funny face…
There are lots of unusual animals only in Australia.
I hope to see some Australian animals.
Why don’t we go to a wildlife park? You can see lots of local animals there.
Sounds great!

Lesson 062 ほかとはちょっとちがうね

Kota and the Millers are at a wildfire park.


What animals do you want to see today, Kota?
My plan is to see all of them.
Haha, we can try!
I don’t see any cages.
Most of the animals can move around freely. It’s not like a normal zoo.
That’s good for the animals. They look comfortable.
Oh, look! Are those kangaroos?
Actually, those are wallabies. They are like small kangaroos.

Lesson 063 コアラのために、何ができる?

Kota and Millers are looking at koalas in trees. A park guide tells them about the koalas.


The koalas look so sleepy!
Yes. In fact, koalas sleep about 20 hours a day.
Like you, Kota!
You, too, Angie!
Koalas live in trees, but the number of trees is decreasing. This is because of fires and tree-clearing. The number of koalas is also going down. It’s very important to protect their homes.
What can we do?
Young people can do many things to help them.

Lesson 064 はい、チーズ!

Kota and the Millers enjoy the koala area.


The koalas are adorable, aren’t they?
Yeah, they are! Can I hold one?
Unfortunately, you can’t hold the koalas in Sydney. It’s stressful for them. It’s important for us to give them a peaceful life.
I see.
But you can pet one. Go ahead. This one is Katy.
ow, her fur looks soft, but it feels rough.
I can take a picture of you with the koala.
Thanks. Here’s my camera.
Say, “Cheese.”
tora taro