中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 058 いつか日本で

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 058 いつか日本で

Story Time

Kota and Briony ride the Ferris wheel together.
Kota: The view from here is spectacular! You can see the city.

Briony: And the ocean. The waves look nice today….

Kota: Mm-hmm.

Briony: Oh, I enjoyed your onigiri party last week. Your onigiris were really good.

Kota: Oh, thanks.

Briony: I looked up some pictures of Iwate on the Internet.

Kota: You did?

Briony: There are some really beautiful beaches there.

Kota: That’s true.

Briony: I want to try surfing in Japan someday.

Kota: You should!

Words & Phrases

spectacular 目を見張るような、壮観な
ocean 海《通例seaより大きな海を指す》
the Internet インターネット
someday いつか

Retelling Prep

There are some really beautiful beaches in Iwate. Briony wants to try surfing in Japan someday.

Today’s Goal

I looked up some pictures of Iwate on the Internet.

Working Out

I looked up the menu.
I looked up the map.
I looked up the pictures.
I looked up the prices.

Have a Chat

I looked up the reviews. What did you look up?
I looked up the menu.
This is definitely the best place to go!

Wrap It Up!

There are some really beautiful beaches in Iwate. Briony wants to try surfing in Japan someday.

Today’s Story


Kota and Briony ride the Ferris wheel together.

Today`s Story

The view from here is spectacular! You can see the city.
And the ocean. The waves look nice today….
Oh, I enjoyed your onigiri party last week. Your onigiris were really good.
Oh, thanks.
I looked up some pictures of Iwate on the Internet.
You did?
There are some really beautiful beaches there.
That’s true.
I want to try surfing in Japan someday.
You should!
tora taro