中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 今週の復習・英訳練習

今週の基礎英語レベル2の Story Time の例文を英訳練習してみましょう。

Lesson 051 こっそり自主練

Kota is in front of the mirror in his room. He is looking at his tablet.


Maybe I can find some online videos about surfing. This one looks good.
Hi, I’m Scott Wailani, a world champion surfer. Balance is really important. Today I’ll give you two easy tips.
Bend your knees. And spread out your arms.
Bend my knees…. Spread out my arms.
Watch me. Like this. Hup!
Hup! Hup!
Oh, Michelle, I didn’t see you!
Um, dinner’s ready.
OK, I’ll be downstairs soon.

Lesson 052 お願い、アンジー!

Kota goes to Angie’s room.


Come in! Oh, hi, Kota. What’s up?
Um… can you help me with something?
Sure. What is it?
I want to try surfing again. Can you teach me?
Of course. I can give you some lessons. Let’s go to the beach again this Saturday.
Great. Oh, and… don’t tell Briony.
Oh, OK. It’ll be just us two.
Thanks so much, Angie!

Lesson 053 兄からのアドバイス

Kota is video-chatting with his family in Iwate.


Look at you! You’re so big now.
And you look tan.
Oh, actually, I went surfing the other day.
You did? How was it?
I wasn’t good at it. I made so many mistakes.
Mistakes are good.
They are?
Yeah, I made many mistakes when I started baseball. You can learn a lot from them.
That’s right. Make mistakes, and you’ll improve.

Lesson 054 いい波が来たよ…!

Angie and Kota are practicing surfing in the water. Angie is helping Kota.


Ugh! I tried many times, but I couldn’t do it.
You’re still a beginner, Kota. Keep trying, or you won’t improve.
OK… I won’t quit!
Here comes a good wave!
Here I go!
Bend your knees…. Spread out your arms….
I did it! I stood up at last! Woohoo!! … Just a few seconds.
No, that was great!
Thank you, Angie. Surfing… is fun!
tora taro