中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 028 野球みたいだね

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 028 野球みたいだね

Story Time

Kota, Nigel, and Sapna are chatting about hobbies and sports.
Kota: What’s cricket like?

Nigel: It’s one of the major sports here. You hit a ball with a bat and try to score runs.

Kota: Wait, that’s like baseball!

Nigel: Oh, hahaha, I guess so.

Sapna: Maybe you can join the theater club with me. Every year, we perform a musical.

Kota: That sounds cool.

Sapna: Oh, look! It’s Briony. Why don’t we talk to her?

Kota: Um, OK…

Words & Phrases

major 主要な
score runs (<run) (野球やクリケットなどで)得点する
guess ~と思う
maybe もしかしたら、ひょっとすると
perform ~を上演する、~を演じる

Retelling Prep

Cricket is one of the major sports in Australia. You hit a ball with a bat and try to score runs.

Today’s Goal

Why don’t we talk to her?

Working Out

Why don’t we have lunch?
Why don’t we walk around?
Why don’t we do some fishing?

Have a Chat

Here we are.
What do want to do?
Why don’t we walk around?
That sounds nice!

Wrap It Up!

Cricket is one of the major sports in Australia. You hit a ball with a bat and try to score runs.

Today’s Story


Kota, Nigel, and Sapna are chatting about hobbies and sports.

Today`s Story

What’s cricket like?
It’s one of the major sports here. You hit a ball with a bat and try to score runs.
Wait, that’s like baseball!
Oh, hahaha, I guess so.
Maybe you can join the theater club with me. Every year, we perform a musical.
That sounds cool.
Oh, look! It’s Briony. Why don’t we talk to her?
Hi, Briony! She’s not answering…
Um, OK…
tora taro