中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 002 それはおもしろいね

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 002 それはおもしろいね

Story Time

Kota is packing before his trip to Australia. His older brother, Shota, comes into his room.

Shota: Hey, little brother.

Kota: Hi.

Shota: Why do you need those warm clothes?

Kota: The seasons are opposite in Australia. It’s spring now in Japan, but in Australia, it’s autumn.

Shota: That’s interesting! So you need a heavy jacket for winter.

Kota: Actually, winter in Sydney is not cold like Iwate. So I don’t have to take a heavy jacket.

Shota: Oh, I see.

Words & Phrases

little brother 弟
clothes 服《通常複数あつかい》
warm clothes (セーターなどの)暖かい服
opposite 逆の
heavy jacket (ダウンジャケットなどの)厚手の上着
actually 実は

Retelling Prep

Winter in Sydney is not cold like Iwate. So Kota doesn’t have to take a heavy jacket.

Today’s Goal

I don’t have to take a heavy jacket.

Working Out

I don’t have to do my homework.
I don’t have to cook dinner.
I don’t have to wash the dishes.

Have a Chat

Are you OK, Stuart?
Oh, well, Anya, I’m so tired, I’m so sleepy, but I have to wash the dishes…
You don’t have to wash the dishes.
Really? Thank you.

Wrap It Up!

Winter in Sydney is not cold like Iwate. So Kota doesn’t have to take a heavy jacket.

Today’s Story


Kota is packing before his trip to Australia. His older brother, Shota, comes into his room.

Today`s Story

Hey, little brother.
Why do you need those warm clothes?
The seasons are opposite in Australia. It’s spring now in Japan, but in Australia, it’s autumn.
That’s interesting! So you need a heavy jacket for winter.
Actually, winter in Sydney is not cold like Iwate. So I don’t have to take a heavy jacket.
Oh, I see.
tora taro