Categories: duo

DUO 3.0 SECTION 41 492-506

DUO 3.0 SECTION 41 492-506

Quite a few people have been invited to celebrate the couple’s anniversary.
It won’t be long before everything is ready. In the meantime, help yourself to some snacks.
Dressed in a loud and peculiar outfit, she stood out in the crowd.
All the guests were touched by her hospitality.
Her shabby clothes were not suitable for the occasion.
That topic is too intimate to share with casual acquaintances.
When Tom gets drunk, he gets crude and offensive. Stay away from him.
He could hardly comprehend what she was implying.
Bob felt embarrassed when he was teased in front of some girls.
His ambiguous reply made her all the more irritated.
Bob is very timid and blushes when chatting with girls.
Nick looks down on anyone who comes from a rural area.
“What’s the matter, Bob? You look so miserable.” “Leave me alone. It’s none of your business.”
Although Bob was in disguise, I recognized him at a glance.
“What are you chuckling about?” “Bob, you have your sweatshirt on backwards!” “Oops!”

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