Categories: duo

DUO 3.0 SECTION 31 366-382

DUO 3.0 SECTION 31 366-382

“How’s it going, Bob?” “Couldn’t be better! I did well in my job interview!” “Good for you!”
He gave instructions to the trainees, but they couldn’t make heads or tails of them.
You can’t do two things at one time! It’s out of the question. Do them one by one.
“Bob, don’t disturb her. Mind your own business,” he whispered.
If you persist in bothering her like that, she’ll lose her temper.
He was so childish that he couldn’t resist temptation.
“Stop making a fuss. It really gets on my nerves!” she shouted.
There’s no point in talking back to Nick. He is a “dictator,” so to speak.
They are very polite in his presence, but actually, they always talk about him behind his back.
“You despise Nick, don’t you?” “On the contrary! I look up to him.”
His constant insults aroused her anger.
I’m fed up with just shuffling papers and pouring coffee. I’ve made up my mind to quit!
In reality, many people have difficulty making ends meet. How can you get by on 100,000 yen a month?
Female clerks may well complain about their routines, which are not challenging at all.
Thanks to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled threefold.
Many people today think of loyalty to a company as an absurd notion.
I have to commute all the way from a distant suburb. I’m sick of it!

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