Categories: duo

DUO 3.0 SECTION 17 186-197

DUO 3.0 SECTION 17 186-197

I can’t figure out why on earth everybody feels so much contempt for Bob!
I can’t help laughing at him because he keeps on making stupid mistakes. He’d be the last person to learn his lesson.
To make matters worse, he isn’t even conscious of annoying us.
Since I was in a hurry, I put my gloves on inside out by mistake.
Dave is fat and clumsy. When he leaped over the shallow stream, he stumbled and twisted his ankle.
“I’m scared of heights.” “You’re a coward!”
The passive man seldom, if ever, expresses himself in public.
Nick convinced me that all superstitions are irrational.
I tremble with fear at the thought of an injection.
Since Bob is lazy at heart, he frequently neglects his duties.
While Bob was at work, Jennifer was at home absorbed in silly soap opera.
Bob likes cartoons, but I don’t think much of them. As a matter of fact, they’re boring.

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