Categories: duo

DUO 3.0 SECTION 11 126-136

DUO 3.0 SECTION 11 126-136

The auditorium was empty except for a single piece of furniture.
Any apartment will do as long as the rent is low. I’m not particular about it.
His sixty-year-old cousin inherited a piece of real estate by a lake.
So much for small talk. Let’s get down to business.
Lucy resented the aggressive salesman trying to make her sign the contract.
There are a number of factors discouraging us from investing in stocks.
Japan imports various raw materials and exports manufactured goods.
In the course of its economic development, Japan has abandoned its traditional values.
The world is faced with an unprecedented crisis.
In short, the purpose of the regulations is to protect domestic industries.
In order to keep up its competitiveness in the world, Japan must undertake sweeping deregulation in earnest.

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