基礎英語3 February 第1週の復習 英訳練習



RoboCorpus! Are you OK?
Yes, I think I collected most of RoboNegative’s parts.
What are you going to do with them?
I will bring them back to Dr. Ikebukuro.
That’s very kind of you. Oh,, why don’t you contact Ken?
Oh, yes…. Hello? This is RoboCorpus.
RoboCorpus! Where are you? Are you OK?
I’m fine, but Dr. Ikebukuro’s robot isn’t.
What happened?
I’m sorry to say, but…. he was destroyed.
Oh, no…. Anyway, please come back right now. Everybody is waiting.
Really? Yukichi is waiting for me…. I’m so glad.


We are at your service, my lord.
You know what I have in mind.
You must have been embarrassed. Your negative power beam didn’t hit RoboCorpus.
Quite, Non. RoboNegative was a real miscalculation. We didn’t expect him to protect RoboCorpus.
You idiot! I knew that RoboCorpus would survive my beam!
Wow, did you hear that? He foresees everything.
Tell us what to do next, my lord.
We must pretend that we are giving up. Tell Sylphie that we won’t bother her again.
Then RoboCorpus will go back home.
And Sylphie will leave him.
And who is waiting for RoboCorpus?
That boy with strong N marks, Yukichi!


I hate this cold weather.
Are you OK, Jukichi?
In your pocket, I’m fine, but I really need a place to sleep soon….
Everyone, watch out! It’s Minus and Non!
Hello, Sylphie. Hello, RoboCorpus.
You want another fight?
No, no. We’re here to talk!
The Lord of Negative Forces wants to make peace with you, Sylphie.
He said, “Pretend….”
Quiet, Non. Sylphie, our fight is over. We will not bother you anymore.
It hard to believe… but OK. Tell him, “Never attack humans again.” Promise?
We promise!


I’m so glad RoboCorpus is finally coming back.
Me, too. He’s been away from home for almost 10 months!
Yukichi, would you like to come with us when we go pick up RoboCorpus?
I don’t know…. I don’t want to go out.
RoboCorpus needs a few more days before coming back to town.
How about Asuka? She might want to come with us.
That’s a good idea. Let’s ask her.
Asuka-chan wants to see RoboCorpus, not me!
Look, boss! That boy’s N marks are getting bigger and bigger!
Just as we planned.



1981年の映画「ミスター・アーサー」(Arthur)の主題歌。曲の原題は Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do) 歌手は Christopher Cross です。

tora taro