Categories: 基礎英語3 2018

基礎英語3 Lesson 111 It depends on the question


Let’s listen to today’s story.

Yumi: The editorial department wants to release the book in Japan and America next summer.

David: That’s great!

Yumi: It would be great to have pictures of Satoyama from winter to spring.

David: I’ll do best. Um…Yumi, can I ask you something personal?

Yumi: It depends on the question.

David: Have you ever laughed from your heart?

Yumi: What kind of a question is that?

David: Sho seems to have something on his mind. He keeps sighing during our lessons. I think the needs his mother more than ever. Let me help bring back happiness to your family.

It depends on the question


The editorial department wants to release the book in Japan and America next summer.

That’s great!

It would be great to have pictures of Satoyama from winter to spring.

I’ll do best. Um…Yumi, can I ask you something personal?

Yumi: It depends on the question.

It depends on the question.

Have you ever laughed from your heart?

What kind of a question is that?

Sho seems to have something on his mind. He keeps sighing during our lessons. I think the needs his mother more than ever. Let me help bring back happiness to your family.

Words & Phrases

editorial  編集の
department  (会社の組織上の)部、部署
release …  ~を発売する
personal  個人的な、私的な
depend on …  ~次第だ
have something on A’s mind  Aには心配事がある、心にわだかまりがある
sigh  ため息をつく
bring back A to B  AをBに取り戻す

Let’s Check

“Have you ever laughed from your heart?”

Today’s CAN-DO

Let me help bring back happiness to your family.

「Let+me+動詞の原形」は「わたしに~させてください」と許可を求める言い方です。どうしてもやりたいことや率先して引き受けたいことがあるときは、Let me … を使うと相手に熱意が伝わります。


Let はLesson 101 に登場した make と同じ使役動詞の仲間です。let の後にも「人 + 動詞の原形」のパターンが続きます。

My father won’t let me go out after dinner.

make も let も日本語では「~させる」ですが、make は「強制的に~させる」、let は「~するのを許す(許可する)」という意味の違いがあります。

He made me read the book.

He let me read the book.

CAN-DO 活用例文

Let me know if you need my help.

Let us join your discussion.

Get It Right

Let me try it first, please.
tora taro

Published by
tora taro