Categories: 基礎英語3 2018

基礎英語3 Lesson 082 英訳練習 Wadaiko practice this weekend?


The phone is ringing

基礎英語3 Lesson 082 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。

Sato residence. Oh, Mr. Tanaka. Wadaiko practice this weekend? OK, sir. I’ll be there. Thank you.

Sho, did you know there are children around the world who can’t eat three meals a day?


I’d like to tell you about my experiences from traveling around the world.

Uh, David…my wadaiko teacher just called.


We third-year students are having our final wadaiko performance at the end of the month.

Great! I can’t wait!

Well, practice on our new piece isn’t going well.

I see.

So…do you mind if I go to wadaiko practice this weekend?

先週の復習 言えるかな?

You can use our kitchen, David. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. Oh, watch out for the boiling water!

tora taro