Categories: 基礎英語3

基礎英語3 Lesson 122 Are you sure RoboCorpus is OK?

Lesson 122 Are you sure RoboCorpus is OK?


Are you sure RoboCorpus is OK?

Yukichi: Asuka-chan! Welcome!

Asuka: Hi, Yukichi. Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Fukushima. Thank you for inviting me.

Mari: Come on in.

Asuka: Here’s a small cake I made. And this is a Christmas present for you, Yukichi.

Yukichi: Wow! Thank you, Asuka-chan!

Ken: Let’s put it under the Christmas tree, Yukichi.

Asuka: Mr. Fukushima, is RoboCorpus back home?

Ken: Erm… not yet.

Yukichi: Maybe RoboCorpus doesn’t know we are having a Christmas.

Asuka: I thought he was coming back to see us for Christmas.

Yukichi: He is probably having fun somewhere. Let’s enjoy our party!

Mari: Are you sure RoboCorpus is OK?

Ken: I don’t know… I wish he could be here with us…

Words & Phrases

somewhere. どこかで



Asuka-chan! Welcome!
Hi, Yukichi. Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Fukushima. Thank you for inviting me.
Come on in.
Here’s a small cake I made. And this is a Christmas present for you, Yukichi.
Wow! Thank you, Asuka-chan!
Let’s put it under the Christmas tree, Yukichi.
Mr. Fukushima, is RoboCorpus back home?
Erm… not yet.
Maybe RoboCorpus doesn’t know we are having a Christmas.
I thought he was coming back to see us for Christmas.
He is probably having fun somewhere. Let’s enjoy our party!
Are you sure RoboCorpus is OK?
I don’t know… I wish he could be here with us…

Comprehension Check

A Christmas present.
She thought he was coming back to see them for Christmas.

Step Up Points

CAN-DO Chunk I wish you could …(あなたが・・・できたらいいのに)

I wish he could be here with us….


Come back!


Could you come back?


I wish you could come back.


I have so much work to do today. I wish I could join your party.
I wish I were with you.

CAN-DO Chunk Practice

I wish I could go with you.
I wish I were rich.
tora taro