Categories: 基礎英語3

基礎英語3 Lesson 075  Are you ready for practice?

Lesson 075 Are you ready for practice?


Are you ready for practice?

Ms. Saito: OK, Boon. Are you ready for practice?

Boon: Yes.

Ms. Saito: The national contest consists of two parts. One is the vocabulary contest that is similar to the last one. The other is the chunk contest.

Boon: Chunk? That sounds more difficult than memorizing single words.

Ms. Saito: Yes, but the training method is the same. RoboCorpus, can you show him an example?

RoboCorpus: OK. Let’s try chunks using the verb “take.” Ready? 電車に乗る。

Boon: Take a train.

RoboCorpus: Correct! 昼寝をする。

Boon: Take a…. I don’t know.

RoboCorpus: Take a nap.

Lex: I think we are going to be here for a while.

Words & Phrases

consist of …   ・・・で構成されている。・・・からなる
similar to …  ・・・と似ている
single word  1語
try chunks using …   ・・・を使ってチャンク(練習)を試しにやってみる



OK, Boon. Are you ready for practice?
The national contest consists of two parts. One is the vocabulary contest that is similar to the last one. The other is the chunk contest.
Chunk? That sounds more difficult than memorizing single words.
Yes, but the training method is the same. RoboCorpus, can you show him an example?
OK. Let’s try chunks using the verb “take.” Ready? 電車に乗る。
Take a train.
Correct! 昼寝をする。
Take a…. I don’t know.
Humans can’t see me, so don’t worry.
I think we are going to be here for a while.

Comprehension Check

The chunk contest.
No, it’s the same.

Step Up Points

CAN-DO  One is …, and the other is …(1つは・・・、もう1つは~)

The national contest consists of two parts. One is the vocabulary contest that is similar to the last one. The other is the chunk contest.


We have two parts in the lesson.


We have basic and advanced exercises.


The lesson consists of two parts. One is basic exercises, and the other is free activities.

CAN-DO Chunk Practice

One is listening to Kiso Eigo 3 on the radio.
The other is writing in my diary.
tora taro