ラジオ英会話 Lesson 224 文系④ 授与型

Lesson 224 文系④ 授与型


文型の4つ目。今回は目的語を2つとる「授与型」です。(Lesson 016 ~ 017 でも学習しました)

Today’s dialog


Natalie: Dad, my new company offered me a much better position.

Dad: Really? Congratulations! What is the position?

Natalie: Sales Manager. The director in charge appreciated my experience in sales and marketing.

Dad: I’m very proud of you.

Natalie: Thank you. Actually, I’m a little nervous about the new position.

Dad: Don’t worry. You’ll do fine.

Natalie: I hope so. Do you have any advice for me?

Dad: Well, follow your dream and enjoy your work. That’s the most important thing.

Natalie: All right. I’ll keep that in mind.

Dad: I think you’ll get busy, so please take care of yourself.



Dad, my new company offered me a much better position.

Really? Congratulations! What is the position?

Sales Manager. The director in charge appreciated my experience in sales and marketing.

I’m very proud of you.

Thank you. Actually, I’m a little nervous about the new position.

Don’t worry. You’ll do fine.

I hope so. Do you have any advice for me?

Well, follow your dream and enjoy your work. That’s the most important thing.

All right. I’ll keep that in mind.

I think you’ll get busy, so please take care of yourself.


offer  ~を提供する
in charge  担当して
appreciate  ~を高く評価する
nervous  緊張して
keep … in maind  ~を忘れずにいる
take care of oneself  体に気をつける

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

I think you’ll get busy, so please take care of yourself.

get は動いている感触を持ち「変化」を表すことも出来る動詞。you’ll get busy は「説明型」。take care of yourself は決まり文句。


My new company offered me a much better position.

この文は授与型。授与型は「…に~をあげる・くれる」を意味する型。動詞の後ろに2つ名詞(のカタマリ)を置いて作ります。ここでは me と a much better position です。
英語は配置が意味を担う言葉です。どの文型でも同じですが、授与型の配置で使われた場合、あらゆる動詞は強制的に「あげる・くれる」という意味で解釈されます。offer は「申し出る」。offer a job(仕事に誘う)など、他動型でも使う動詞ですが、授与型で使えば「~に…を与える」と授与の意味となります。

Read me that email message again, will you?

My girlfriend wrote me a beautiful poem for my birthday.

She told me the news.



That challenging experience taught me a lot about myself.

Tina and Keith showed me their honeymoon photos last night.

It took me three hours to drive home due to the terrible road conditions.

授与型は動詞によっては「奪う」という意味合いになることもあります。「マイナスの授与」というわけです。ここの take はそうした動詞です。took me three hours は「私から3時間を奪った」という意味関係となります。


My grandma taught me German.
tora taro