ラジオ英会話 Lesson 219 語順を変えるということ

Lesson 219 語順を変えるということ



Today’s dialog


Paul: Hi, Aki. How are you?

Aki: Fine, but a little tired. Yesterday, we had our school festival.

Paul: What on earth is a school festival?

Aki: Oh, I guess it’s unique to Japan. Don’t you have them in the UK?

Paul: No. Can you tell me about them?

Aki: Well, in almost every high school in Japan, the students put on a festival at the school with special attentions and events such as musical performances. Friends, family and others come to our school to enjoy the festival.

Paul: Sounds interesting. Did you participate in it?

Aki: Yes, my classmates and I made yakisoba and sold it to the visitors. It was so delicious.



Hi, Aki. How are you?

Fine, but a little tired. Yesterday, we had our school festival.

What on earth is a school festival?

Oh, I guess it’s unique to Japan. Don’t you have them in the UK?

No. Can you tell me about them?

Well, in almost every high school in Japan, the students put on a festival at the school with special attentions and events such as musical performances. Friends, family and others come to our school to enjoy the festival.

Sounds interesting. Did you participate in it?

Yes, my classmates and I made yakisoba and sold it to the visitors. It was so delicious.


put on  ~を開催する
attraction  出し物
participate in  ~に参加する

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

What on earth is a school festival?

on earth は「(疑問を強調して)一体。」。

… the students put on a festival at the school with special attentions and events such as musical performances.

英語文が常に「左から右に」説明を加え展開することを確認しましょう。a festival at the school とまず言い切り、何があるお祭りなのかを with 以降で展開。さらに special attentions and events の例を such as musical performances(音楽演奏などといった、ね)と右に展開。説明ルールの作るこの形になれることが英語を楽に話すためには欠かせません。


Yesterday, we had our school festival.

実に単純な文ですが、語順が変わっています。yesterday は出来事の「時」を説明する単語ですから「説明ルール(説明は後ろから)」により定位置は文末。つまり yesterday は文末から前に移動されたのです。

We had our school festival yesterday.【定位置は文末】

yesterday が文頭に置かれているのは、この単語に焦点を当てるため。ダイアログでこの文は「つい昨日のことだったからだよ、学園祭が」と yesterday に焦点を与えることによって「ちょっと疲れた」理由となっているのです。


From my own daughter, they got the information.


At tennis I’m pretty useless, but at golf I’m well above average.

Never have I tasted such delicious sushi!



Last night, there was a terrible thunderstorm.


Two months ago, I could barely walk. But look at me now.

2か月前の状況と今の状況の対比がポイント。そのため two months ago を文頭に置いています。

With reading English I have no problem, but with speaking English I have great difficulty.

with reading English と with speaking English が目立つ文頭に置かれ、クリアな対比が行われています。have difficulty(困難である・困難を感じる)も覚えておきましょう。


At math I’m hopeless, but at English I’m top of the class.
tora taro