ラジオ英会話 Lesson 180 今週のREVIEW

Lesson Lesson 176 wh 疑問文⑦ 複雑な wh 疑問文(3)


Mom: Honey, did you know that Cindy called “TV Market Now”?

Dad: Who did you say Cindy called?

Mom: “TV Market Now,” the home shopping TV channel. She wanted to order some sneakers.

Dad: WHAT? I can’t believe she did that without our permission. Where is she now?

Mom: Calm down. She wasn’t actually able to buy them because the operator sensed that Cindy was just a little girl. He told her to ask her parents first.

Dad: Well, that’s very good of the operator to do that.But we should still have words with Cindy to make sure she never does it again.

Pick-Up Phrases

Who did you say Cindy called?


Lesson 177 wh 疑問文⑧ wh 語を使って聞き返す


Vince: Ivy, you’re going to Carl’s Christmas party in Ebisu, aren’t you?

Ivy: Yes, I read the email invitation. It says there is going to be a present exchange. We’re supposed to bring a gift that costs no more than 1,000 yen.

Vince: Did you buy your gift already?

Ivy: Yes. I bought a loofah.

Vince: You bought a what?

Ivy: A loofah. It’s a kind of sponge made from a tropical plant. It’s good for washing your body with soap when you take a shower.

Vince: That’s the first time I’ve heard of it.

Ivy: Well, I think more women know about it than men.


Pick-Up Phrases

I bought a loofah. – You bought a what?

Lesson 178 疑問の意図のない疑問文①


Meg: Ian, that was a wonderful Christmas dinner. I am so full.

Ian: Well, you can never be hungry after a traditional Christmas dinner.

Meg: It was my first time to eat a mince pie.

Ian: Did you like it?

Meg: Yes, it was interesting. I’m not so used to spices in pies. Anyway, I’m sorry, but I have to be going now.

Ian: The night is still young. Why don’t you stay longer?

Meg: I have to work tomorrow.

Ian: But it’s Christmas Day!

Meg: Yes, but in Japan, Christmas Day is not a holiday.


Pick-Up Phrases

Why don’t you stay longer?

Lesson 179 疑問の意図のない疑問文②


Ryan: Mom, I’m hungry. Do we have any snacks?

Mom: Snacks? We’ll be having dinner in just an hour or so. By the way, have you done your homework yet?

Ryan: It’s the first day of my winter vacation. I have lots of time to do it.

Mom: You promised to do one hour of homework every day. That means every day.

Ryan: OK, I’ll do it, but only if I can have some potato chips.

Mom: Excuse me? Who do you think you are? Just get started on that homework right now, young man! Or you won’t have any dinner, never mind snacks. Understood?

Ryan: OK, OK, I got it.


Pick-Up Phrases

Who do you think you are?






talk to … like that : ~にそんな口の利き方をする
apologize :


I can’t believe you said that. Who are you to talk to Mom like that.

can’t believe は「信じられない」。Who are you to …? は「~するなんて何様だ」という形です。

Think about it. Who do you think takes care of you every day?

think about は「~についてよく考える」。命令文で説教口調です。次の文では takes care of の主語が欠けています。ここが疑問のターゲット。「誰があなたの面倒を毎日見ている(と思うのか)」という意味関係になります。

Why don’t you apologize to her right now?

Why don’t you … は「~しませんか」と相手に勧める表現。


Hey, how dare you insult Mom like that!

Hey … は相手の関心を引きつける表現。「how dare +主語+動詞」は「よく~できるものだ」 – 時々耳にするフレーズです。まとめて覚えておきましょう。insult は「侮辱する」です。

Who the heck do you think you are? Why don’t you learn to control youeself?

Who do you think you are? は「何様ですか?」でしたね。ここではさらに the heck は the hell(地獄)の婉曲表現で「一体全体」。もちろんくだけた口語表現。control oneself(自制する・自分を抑える)は覚えておきましょう。よく使います。

Go and apologize to her right away. Just do it!

go and … は「~しに行く」。right away は「すぐに」。Just do it.(とにかくやれ)はよく耳にします。
tora taro