ラジオ英会話 Lesson 150 今週のREVIEW

Lesson 146 受動態③ 受動態と wh 疑問文

Takashi: Today, I’m going to give a presentation on the novel Botchan, written by Natsume Soseki.

Stacy: I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know much about it. What’s the story line?

Takashi: It’s a story about a middle school in Matsuyama during the Meiji era. The characters of the teachers are described really well and with lots of humor.

Stacy: That does sound interesting. By the way, when was it written?

Takashi: It was written in 1906.

Stacy: That’s over a century ago.

Takashi: It’s a classic. You should definitely read it.

Stacy: OK. I will.

Pick-Up Phrases

When was it written?


Lesson 147 受動態④ 授与型の受動態

Stella: You look so excited. How come?

Tetsu: Look at this plaque. Our science club was given an award.

Stella: Wow, that’s fantastic! Congratulations!

Tetsu: Thank you.

Stella: What was the award for?

Tetsu: For this year’s best science report.

Stella: I know you’ve worked hard on your experiment every day. You deserve it.

Tetsu: Well, it wasn’t just me. All the members of the club worked hard on it.

Stella: You should hang it in your clubroom.

Tetsu: Yes, we’ll definitely do that.

Pick-Up Phrases

Our science club was given an award.

Lesson 148 受動態⑤ 目的説明型の受動態

Inspector: Hello, I am Inspector Jones. You are the owner of the art gallery?

Ms. Marlow: Yes, Inspector. My name is Kate Marlow.

Inspector: Ms. Marlow, can you tell me what happened this morning?

Ms. Marlow: Yes. I am the first person to enter the gallery every morning. When I turned on the lights, I immediately saw that the Picaso painting by the door was gone.

Inspector: Who was the last person to leave the gallery?

Ms. Marlow: I thought it was me, but on the security camera recording, Emma, one of my assistants, is seen entering the room minutes after Ileft. But then the sreen suddenly goes blank.

Inspector: I see.

Pick-Up Phrases

Emma, one of my assistants, is seen entering the room.

Lesson 149 受動態⑥ 句動詞の受動態

Kana: Hi, Dad, what are you watching?

Dad: This is a DVD of one of the most famous rock concerts in history.

Kana: The film image looks really old. When was the concert?

Dad: In 1969. It was called Woodstock, and it was held for three days in the state of New York. When it ended, people said,”This concert will be talked about for years.” And they were right.

Kana: That’s like half a century ago, Dad.

Dad: Yes, but the music is still considered cool. Many legends of rock and roll performed at Woodstock. You’ve heard of Jimi Hendrix, haven’t you?

Kana: Jimmy who?

Pick-Up Phrases

This concert will be talked about for years.”





doll : 人形
hand down :
take care of … :  ~の世話をする、~を大事にする


This doll was given to me by my grandmother.

授与型の受動態。授与型の受け手を強調した give this doll to me が分かっていれば簡単です。to をつけて受け手をハイライトすることに注意。

She said it has been handed down through generations.

現在完了形の受動態。hand down は「残す・伝える」。句動詞であるため、まとめて取り扱うこと。through は「トンネル状のものを通り抜ける」イメージ。いくつもの世代を通してということ。

I was told to take good care of it, and of course I will.

目的語説明型。told me to take good care of it から、me を抜き出し主語に。後半の文の I will は、I will take good care of it.の省略。


This beautiful doll was left to me by my late grandma.

was left to me は授与型の受動態。to で受け手を強調。late は the late…や one’s late…で「故~」

She told me that it has been passed down from generation to generation.

pass down は hand down と同じ意味。「次の代に伝える」。from generation to generation 「代々」も覚えておくと便利。

I was urged to take special care of it as a precious family heirloom.

urge 「促す・勧める」を使った目的語説明型 urged me to take special care …に対応する受動態です。heirloom は「家宝」。
tora taro