ラジオ英会話 Lesson 083 英訳練習


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 083 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。

Mom, can you call Dad? I want him to buy something at the store.

OK. What do you want?

I need some batteries for my game machine.


Oh, your father’s phone is ringing somewhere. He forgot his phone again.

He always forgets it. Some people never learn. What’s the point of having a cellphone if you don’t carry it with you?

Well, Jacob, some people tend to forget things as they grow older.

I hope I don’t become as forgetful as Dad.


I used to live in Tokyo a long time ago.

過去の習慣や状態を表すフレーズがこの used to でした。

tora taro