ラジオ英会話 Lesson 080 今週のREVIEW

Lesson 076 should①

Maggie: Why the sad face, Akira?

Akira: Oh, I bought this T-shirt through online shopping, but it doesn’t fit very well.

Maggie: Didn’t you check the size before you bought it?

Akira: Yes, I did, but this is a UK medium. It’s larger than a Japanese medium.

Maggie: You should be more careful.

Akira: I know.

Maggie: Anyway, I think the T-shirt looks pretty cool, actually, and I like the color.

Akira: Really? Well, that makes me feel a lot better. Thanks.


Pick-Up Phrases

You should be more careful.


Lesson 077 should②

Kyle: Ms. Yamada, I’m writing an article for the school newspaper about the new teachers. Can I ask you a few questions?

Ms. Yamada: Of course.

Kyle: Thank you, what do you expect from your students?

Ms. Yamada: First of all, I always insist that they should be on time for class.

Kyle: I see. Anything else?

Ms. Yamada: Yes, I also want my students to ask lots of questions.

Kyle: That’s great. Thank you very much for your time.

Pick-Up Phrases

I always insist that they should be on time for class.

Lesson 078 その他の助動詞類

Justin: Hi! This is a great party. Ah, what’s your name?

Izumi: Izumi.

Justin: Nice to meet you, Izumi. I’m Justin. Do you live near here?

Izumi: I live in Tokyo.

Justin: Oh, really? I used to live in Tokyo a long time ago.

Izumi: Where exactly in Tokyo did you live?

Justin: I lived in Mitaka. I taught English at a few high schools there.

Izumi: Did you like living there?

Justin: Yes, very much. People there are very kind and friendly.


Pick-Up Phrases

I used to live in Tokyo a long time ago.


Lesson 079 助動詞は重ねて使わない

Wataru: Do you have any good ideas about what we could sell at the school festival?

Nina: Umm. Sorry, I can’t come up any ideas right now.

Wataru: Umm. How about selling hot dogs or snow cones?

Nina: Oh, I love snow cones. My favorite flavor is strawberry.

Wataru: That’s my favorite, too. So can you help us, Nina?

Nina: Sure, I’d love to. How many students do you think will help?

Wataru: I haven’t asked anyone else yet. Next week, I will be able to give you more information.


Pick-Up Phrases

I will be able to give you more information.






punctual  :  時間を厳守する、時間に正確な
late :  遅刻して、遅れて
report :  報告する



1 Taro, you should be more punctual.
2 If you’re late again, I may have to report this to the boss.
3 Understand?


1 Taro, you should be more punctual. 

アドバイスの should 。more punctual で「今より時間厳守で」。

2 If you’re late again, I may have to report this to the boss.

「未来を表す副詞節は現在形」です。厳密にはこれからのことを if 以下で述べていますが、「すでに起こったことを前提」とするために現在形が使われます。
may have to は「しなければならないかもしれない」。

3 Understand?



1  You’re late again, Taro! You should set three alarm clocks. That might work!

2  But seriously, if this continues, I’ll have to report you to the boss.


1  非常に厳しい発言です。should は助言ですが、怒気を含んだ助言。
might は may (かもしれない)の過去形。「ひょっとして~かもしれない」。

文頭の seriously は「真面目な話」。以降の話がシリアスな話である、と話し手の態度を述べています。以降の内容を「指定」するため文頭に置かれます。「指定」ルールです。
will have to は may have to のようなあやふやな話ではありません。「そうしたことになる」。

tora taro