ラジオ英会話 Lesson 079 英訳練習


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 079 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。

Do you have any good ideas about what we could sell at the school festival?

Umm. Sorry, I can’t come up any ideas right now.

Umm. How about selling hot dogs or snow cones?

Oh, I love snow cones. My favorite flavor is strawberry.

That’s my favorite, too. So can you help us, Nina?

Sure, I’d love to. How many students do you think will help?

I haven’t asked anyone else yet. Next week, I will be able to give you more information.


How many students do you think will help?

How many students will help with our work? かな?
それにどう思う?で do you think がついてこの表現なのかな?

tora taro