ラジオ英会話 3月第3週 文法の実践練習問題の復習 英訳練習

今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。

3月18日 Monday Lesson 231 目的語拡張:目的の位置にある to 不定詞・動詞 -ing 形

動詞の目的語の位置に to 不定詞・動詞 -ing 形のどちらかを使う練習です。

Have you considered taking an early retirement?
He promised to call me every day, but I haven’t heard from him once!
I haven’t finished filling in the questionnaire yet.

3月19日 Tuesday Lesson 232 英語固有のリズム:説明ルール①


The guy making the presentation is our Head of Human Resources.
Some students don’t even have a pen to write with.
We went to a wonderful comedy show last Saturday.

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3月20日 Wednesday Lesson 233 英語固有のリズム:説明ルール②

My high school English teacher is the person who inspired me most.
My brother Geoff, who is an amazing cook, is preparing dinner for us tonight.
The police received a tip-off that a bank robbery was being planned.

3月21日 Thursday Lesson 234 英語固有のリズム:指定ルール①

I met a tall, dark, handsome Italian at my tennis club. The guy turned out to be a famous movie star!
It is incredibly difficult to get into this university.
My mom hardly ever loses her temper.

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

The ordering system is hard to understand.
難易度を示す hard、easy などが好んでとる形の文。hard の後ろは、何をするのが大変なのかを to 不定詞で展開。
tora taro