ラジオ英会話 2月第4週 文法の実践練習問題の復習 英訳練習

今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。

2月25日 Monday Lesson 216 形式主語の it(it … to~/ it … that~)

主語に it をおく文の練習です。まずはとにかく、思い切って it で始める。それがコツです。

It takes guts to speak in public.
It’s amazing that we made it here on time.
It’s up to you whether you use our textbook or not!

2月26日 Tuesday Lesson 217 it の強調構文

it を使った強調の練習です。次の文の各部を強調してみましょう。

My sister won the badminton tournament last Saturday.

It was my sister that won the badminton tournament last Saturday.
It was the badminton tournament that my sister won last Saturday.
It was last Saturday that my sister won the badminton tournament.

2月27日 Wednesday 218 感嘆文


What a performance she gave!
How unbelievable that card trick is!
How perfectly she skated! She deserves to be the champion.

2月28日 Thursday Lesson 219 語順を変えるということ


Last night, there was a terrible thunderstorm.
Two months ago, I could barely walk. But look at me now.
With reading English I have no problem, but with speaking English I have great difficulty.

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

That’s right. But I had nothing to do with handling all the practical details, like booking a venue and checking equipment. All that was Andy’s responsibility.

have nothing to do with …「~とは全く関係ない」。handling 「扱うこと、担当」。venue は「会場」。
tora taro