中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 119 うわ、気持ちわる~い!


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 119 うわ、気持ちわる~い!

Story Time

Kota, Briony, Sapna, and Nigel are getting their zombie makeup.
Kota: Wow, even with zombie makeup, you look pretty, Briony.

Briony: Thanks. You look frightening, Kota.

Kota: Oh, um…

Briony: But you look cool! That scar on your cheek is so realistic.

Sapna: Hey, that food stall sells zombie snacks!

Briony: What kind of zombie snacks?

Nigel: Let’s see. They have green popcorn and eyeball cookies.

Sapna: That’s disgusting, haha.

Nigel: Which do you want?

Kota: I love cookies. But the popcorn is two dollars cheaper than the cookies. I’ll get the popcorn.

Sapna: OK, but hurry, everyone. The zombie dance is starting soon!

Words & Phrases

even  ~でさえ
scar  傷あと
cheek  頻、ほっぺた
realistic  本物らしい、現実的な
stall  屋台
eyeball  目玉
disgusting  実にイヤな
Let’s see.  ええと。《何かを考えているときの表現》

Retelling Prep

The food stall sells zombie snacks. They have green popcorn and eyeball cookies.


Today’s Goal


Working Out


Have a Chat


Wrap It Up!


Today’s Story



Today`s Story


