中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 090 Wrap-up Friday


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 090 Wrap-up Friday

This Week’s Stories


Lesson 086 キャンプの夜

Mr. Bennett and the students are at a campground in the Outback.
Mr. Bennett: Good job, everyone. You set up the tents well. Now we have some time to relax before dinner.

Kota: There’s so much open space.

Briony: How beautiful!

Kota: There is only nature in every direction.

Briony: Kota, look over there!

Kota: It’s a wild kangaroo! Wait, not just one kangaroo… three, four…

Briony: I can see at least 10 kangaroos.

Kota: One of them is jumping. It’s fast!

Nigel: Actually, kangaroos can move at 70 kilometers per hour.

Kota: Wow, like a car!




Lesson 087 見つけた! 南十字星

It’s nighttime at the campground. Kota, Sapna, Briony, and Nigel are looking up at the sky.
Kota: The number of stars is incredible!

Briony: They’re so pretty!

Kota: Do you know how to find the Southern Cross?

Nigel: Of course! Do you see those four bright stars over there?

Kota: Oh, yes! In the shape of a cross?

Nigel: That’s it!

Kota: Wow, it’s my first time seeing it! We can’t see it in Iwate.

Sapna: You can also see the Southern Cross here, Kota. Look at this flag pin.

Kota: Oh, the stars on the Australian flag are the Southern Cross, too!




Lesson 088 輝く星の下で

Kota and Briony are talking at the campground at night.
Briony: You can imagine lots of pictures in the stars.

Kota: Those ones on the left look like an onigiri!

Briony: Those ones on the right look like a surfboard.

Kota: You think so? You really love surfing.

Briony: Hey, Kota, do you remember how to find the Southern Cross?

Kota: Yeah! I can tell you that the Southern Cross is over there.

Briony: Right! I want to look at the sky all night.

Kota: Well, we should go to sleep soon. We’re watching the sunrise near Uluru tomorrow.




Lesson 089 とてつもなく大きいね・・・!

Kota and his classmates are at the base of Uluru.
Kota: The view of Uluru at sunrise this morning was stunning. But it looks cool up close, too!

Tommy: Welcome to Uluru. It’s sacred to the Aboriginal people.

Sapna: It’s gigantic!

Nigel: It’s a single big rock.

Tommy: Yes. It’s about 350 meters tall. You can walk around it. But it takes about four hours.

Nigel: Four hours?!

Tommy: Don’t worry! There’s a nice, one-hour hiking course, too. And you can listen to an audio guide. I’ll show you how to use it.




Working Out☆Plus☆

Working Out

Stuart: I’m good at surfing.

You: Would you show me how to surf?

Stuart: Sure.



