中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 044 君はよく知ってるね


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 044 君はよく知ってるね

Story Time

Kota and Nigel are walking home after school.

Kota: I couldn’t make any sound on the didgeridoo today….

Nigel: You should try again even if it’s difficult.

Kota: That’s true…. I’m interested in Aboriginal culture.

Nigel: Many place names in Australia come from Aboriginal languages.

Kota: Oh?

Nigel: For example, Bondi Beach. Bondi is an Aboriginal word. It means the sound of waves when they hit the shore.

Kota: That’s fascinating. You know so much, Nigel.

Words & Phrases

come from… ~由来する、~から来る
Aboriginal languages(< language) アボリジニのことば
means(<mean) ~を意味する
hit ~にぶつかる、(波が海岸など)に打ち寄せる
shore 海岸
fascinating とてもおもしろい、魅力的な

Retelling Prep

Bondi is an aboriginal word. It means the sound of waves when they hit the shore.


Today’s Goal


Working Out

Even if it’s difficult, you should try.

Even if it’s difficult, you should challenge yourself.

Even if it’s difficult, you should do your best.

Have a Chat


Wrap It Up!


Today’s Story



Today`s Story


