中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 043 幸多、挑戦する


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 043 幸多、挑戦する

Story Time

The students gather around the didgeridoo.

Mr. Bennett: Aboriginal people decorate didgeridoos with paintings. What can you see on it?

Kota: I can see a lot of dots… and an animal.

Briony: Yeah, it’s a kangaroo.

Mr. Bennett: That’s right. Who wants to try playing it?

Nigel: Me! Me!

Kota: …Me.

Mr. Bennett: Both Nigel and Kota are raising their hands…. OK, Kota, you can go first.

Kota: OK. Oops!

Mr. Bennett: That’s OK! We’ll learn a lot about Aboriginal culture during our field trip!

Words & Phrases

decorate ~を飾る、~を装飾する
dots(<dot) ( 小さい丸い)点
(be)raising(their)hands(< raise, hand) 手をあげている
culture 文化
during ~の間に
field trip 校外学習 音を立てる

Retelling Prep

Kota can see a lot of dots and an animal on the didgeridoo. The animal is a kangaroo.


Today’s Goal


Working Out

When I have free time, I often play video games.

When I have free time, I often play soccer.

When I have free time, I often listen to music.

Have a Chat


Wrap It Up!


Today’s Story



Today`s Story


