中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 178 ないしょにしてくれる…?


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 178 ないしょにしてくれる…?

Story Time


Ayane: It’s almost Valentine’s Day!

Emma: Yeah. I’m going to bake some heart-shaped cookies with my mom on Saturday. Do you want to come?

Ayane: It’s kind of you to invite me, Emma. I want to go, but I’m going to meet Min-jun that day. We’re going to work on our contest designs. The deadline is coming up soon.

Emma: Oh, OK! I’m so glad that you guys made up.

Ayane: Me, too. By the way, who are the cookies for?

Emma: Well… can you keep a secret, Ayane?

Ayane: Definitely!

Words & Phrases

Valentine’s Day バレンタインデー
heart-shaped ハート型の
(be)coming up(<come) 近づいている
made up(<make) 仲直りした

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