中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 112 何にでもなれるね!


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 112 何にでもなれるね!

Story Time


Emma: Is Halloween celebrated in Japan?

Ayane: Well, I never went trick-or-treating in Japan, but I always loved dressing up! Sometimes, I attended a neighborhood Halloween party with my friends.

Brandon: I like dressing up, too. On Halloween, you can be anything for the day!

Min-jun: I already have some ideas for my costume this year.

Ayane: You know, there’s a costume contest with prizes at the mall event.

Brandon: That gives me an idea!

Words & Phrases

(be) celebrated (<celebrate) 祝われる
dressing up (<dress) 仮装すること、 おしゃれをすること
attended (<attend) (パーティーなど)に行った、 (会合など)に出た
costume コスチューム、 衣装
prizes (<prize) 賞品、 賞

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