中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 069 気が合いそうだね


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 069 気が合いそうだね

Story Time


Ayane: Emma, Brandon also wants to be a journalist someday!

Emma: Really?

Brandon: Yeah! I love sports, and I enjoy watching interviews with athletes.

Emma: Excellent! I love to travel. I’m interested in seeing new places!

Brandon: You know, I took part in a journalism camp last year. We went to lectures by journalists during the day and stayed in dorms overnight. If you want, I can send you the link to the website.

Emma: Yes, please!

Words & Phrases

athletes(<athlete) アスリート、運動選手
excellent すばらしい
took part in …(<take) ~に参加した
journalism ジャーナリズム
lectures(<lecture ) 講演、 講義
dorms(<dorm) 寮、寄宿舎
overnight 次の朝まで

Today’s Story



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Another Example


CAN-DO Practice

If I go … で始めましょう。


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