ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週のReview


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週のReview

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 236 励ましの定型表現①


Alana: Hi, Hiroki. You seem a little down. Is something wrong?

Hiroki: I just got an email from one of our American clients. We didn’t get the sales contract. It’s my fault.

Alana: What do you mean?

Hiroki: My presentation last week was a disaster. I didn’t prepare well enough.

Alana: Come on, it’s OK. You did your best.

Hiroki: Thanks, Alana, but actually I didn’t do such a good job.

Alana: Well, don’t hesitate to ask me for help next time.

Hiroki: Thank you.


Listening Challenge!

Q1; What did the man do?
A: He gave a bad presentation.
B: He prepared well for his presentation.
C: He got a sales contract.

Lesson 237 励ましの定型表現②


Mao: Coach, I wanted to win the dance competition so badly.

Coach: Everyone wanted to win, but you were all amazing.

Mao: No. I know I wasn’t in sync with the other dancers at the start. That’s why we lost.

Coach: Not at all. The winning team was simply too good today.

Mao: Mmm… I guess so. It’s just hard to accept this result.

Coach: That’s part and parcel of any sport.

Mao: You’re right, as always. Thanks, coach.

Coach: Don’t worry. Tomorrow’s another day.


Listening Challenge!

Q2: Which of the following is true?
A: The coach thinks their team lost because of the girl.
B: The girl doesn’t think the coach is supportive enough.
C: The coach is trying to cheer the girl up.

Lesson 238 励ましの定型表現③


Henry: Japanese is really hard, especially reading and writing. I’ll never learn all these kanji characters.

Miwa: Well, it takes a long time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Henry: But I’m behind all the other students in my class. I feel like a failure.

Miwa: Don’t be so hard on yourself. Everyone learns at their own pace.

Henry: I wish I could learn faster.

Miwa: Hey, you need a break. Let’s get a cup of coffee at the cafe.

Henry: Good idea!


Listening Challenge!

Q3: What does the woman think the man should do?
A: He should study Japanese much harder.
B: He should relax more.
C: He should go to Rome for a break.

Lesson 239 励ましの定型表現④ 頑張れ。


Mirai: Theo, did I tell you that I’ve taken up a new hobby?

Theo: No, what kind of hobby?

Mirai: Watercolor painting.

Theo: That’s cool. Do you have any paintings that you can show me?

Mirai: Yes. Here’s a watercolor of my dog, Paul. But it’s not very good. He looks like a cat.

Theo: Hmm. Stick with it! You’ll get better with practice.

Mirai: Thanks. How about I paint a picture of your dog in the park?

Theo: That would be great.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: What does the man suggest the woman should do?
A: Keep practicing painting.
B: Take up a new hobby.
C: Paint his dog in the park.





元気出して。そんなに自分を責めないで。言葉の学習はとても時間がかかるの。いちばん大切なのは諦めないことよ。「ラジオ」英会話」というラジオ番組、聞いたことがある? 英語がすごく楽しくて諦めるなんてとてもできないってわかるわ! 一緒に頑張りましょう。


番組:  program





takes so much time   非常に長い時間を使う
staying power   持久力・耐久力

