ラジオ英会話 Lesson 220 今週のREVIEW


Lesson 216 形式主語の it(it … to~/ it … that~)


Claudia: I have to go to another business conference in Asia next month.

Cedric: Are you going to Hong Kong again?

Claudia: No, this time the conference will be Singapore.

Cedric: Oh, I love Singapore. It’s so clean, and the food is delicious.

Claudia: Yes, everyone says it’s quite tasty. Singapore is a bit farther away from Tokyo than Hong Kong, isn’t it?

Cedric: Yes, it takes around seven hours to get there. Not too bad. What is the theme of the conference?

Claudia: Technology in education.

Cedric: Oh, that sounds interesting. I’d like to attend too, if possible.

Claudia: That would be good. You can apply online.

Pick-Up Phrases


Lesson 217 it の強調構文


Liz: I have to tell you that I’m really disappointed in you, Bob.

Bob: Eh? Why’s that?

Liz: Because last Saturday’s conference was a complete fiasco. The room was too small, the audio-visual equipment didn’t work properly, the air-conditioning…

Bob: Hang on a minute! It was Andy that organized the conference. Not me.

Liz: But it was your idea to hold the conference in the first place.

Bob: That’s right. But I had nothing to do with handling all the practical details, like booking a venue and checking equipment. All that was Andy’s responsibility.

Liz: Well, you’d better take a more hands-on approach in the future, OK?


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 218 感嘆文


Taylor: What a nice camera you have! Is that a film camera?

David: Yes, I got it from my father, who got it from his father.

Taylor: So it must be very old.

David: It’s over 50 years old, but it still takes great pictures, and it’s a lot of fun to use.

Taylor: What kind of pictures do you take?

David: Have you heard of street photography?

Taylor: No. What’s that?

David: It’s taking pictures of people and things you see on the street.

Taylor: Oh, so I guess you have to be careful since some people don’t like to have their pictures taken without permission.

David: That’s right.


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 219 語順を変えるということ


Paul: Hi, Aki. How are you?

Aki: Fine, but a little tired. Yesterday, we had our school festival.

Paul: What on earth is a school festival?

Aki: Oh, I guess it’s unique to Japan. Don’t you have them in the UK?

Paul: No. Can you tell me about them?

Aki: Well, in almost every high school in Japan, the students put on a festival at the school with special attentions and events such as musical performances. Friends, family and others come to our school to enjoy the festival.

Paul: Sounds interesting. Did you participate in it?

Aki: Yes, my classmates and I made yakisoba and sold it to the visitors. It was so delicious.


Pick-Up Phrases




例えば「これ使ってみたい? どれほど流麗な(デザインな)のかビックリするよ! ところで私にこれを誕生日プレゼントに買ってくれたのは私のパートナー。素敵なパートナーを持つって素晴らしいよね!」くらいでしょうか。


smartphone : スマートフォン
sleek : 流麗な・スマートな


その場にあるモノを「受けて」 it を使っています。

受動態で be amazed(驚かされる)。その後ろが感嘆文語順であることに注意。it はもちろんその場のモノ、スマートフォン。

By the way から自慢話に突入。it was my partner で文を始め、my partner 以外の文内容を that 以下に展開。

it … to ~の形。It’s great …「素晴らしいんだよ」とまず文を始めることが肝心。


check it out. は「見てみる、試してみる」。気楽な言い回し。it はやはりその場のモノ。そして同じモノを中心に It’s so much …と展開しています。比較級 better を強調するのは(so)much。very のような単純な強調語はこの場合使えないのでしたね。「どれくらい差があるのか」を示す単語でなくてはなりません。

it を使った強調の形。It was my wife と始め、my wife 以外の文の内容を who で導いています。後続文で空所は「人」であるため、who が使われています。もちろん that でつないでもOK。

feel lucky(幸運に感じる)の説明が to have 以下の to 不定詞。なぜそう感じるのか、その「原因」が説明されています。

