ラジオ英会話 Lesson 125 今週のReview


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 125 今週のReview

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 121 欲求・願望を表す①:want

Koya: Mom, I want an ice cream. Just like the one that girl is eating.

Mom: Koya, we’re going to have a nice dinner on the big ship in an hour. Remember?

Koya: That’s not a problem. I can eat both.

Mom: No, it’ll ruin your appetite.

Koya: How about some popcorn instead?

Mom: Koya, we came to this amusement park for the rides, not the food.

Koya: I know, but pleeeeeeeeease!


Listening Challenge!

Q1; What does Koya want to do?
A: He wants to talk to the girl.
B: He wants to eat something.
C: He wants to try some more rides.

Lesson 122 欲求・願望を表す②:wish、hope

Jack: Kaya, our friend Risa is performing standup comedy in English again on Saturday.

Kaya: Oh, I have to work on Saturday. I wish I had more free time.

Jack: It’s an evening show. Do you have to work in the evening?

Kaya: Yes, I have to be at the office by 7:30.

Jack: That’s unusual.

Kaya: At my new job, we have to make international calls.

Jack: Oh, I see. That’s because there are time differences, right?


Listening Challenge!

Q2: Will Kaya go and watch her friend’s performance?
A: Yes, she will.
B: Yes, but she will be late for the show.
C: No, she won’t.

Lesson 123 知識を表す:know①

Yukari: Wow, there are a lot of old shops here.

Liam: You know, I’ve lived in Tokyo for over twenty years, but I don’t know this area.

Yukari: Someone once said you could spend your whole life in Tokyo without seeing everything.

Liam: That’s true. But anyway, I keep going back to the same places over and over again.

Yukari: Don’t you get bored?

Liam: When I see new visitors in those places, they become fresh again.


Listening Challenge!

Q3: Which of the following is true?
A: The man has moved to Tokyo recently.
B: The man is not familiar with where they are.
C: The man likes visiting new places.

Lesson 124 知識を表す:know②

Ms. Ito: Hiroki, do you have a minute?

Hiroki: Of course, Ms. Ito. Is there a problem?

Ms. Ito: No. Don’t worry. Please have a seat.

Hiroki: Thank you.

Ms. Ito: Hiroki, we’ve been very impressed with your sales performance over the last several months.

Hiroki: Thank you. I have been doing my best.

Ms. Ito: That’s why we’d like you to become the new regional sales manager.

Hiroki: Me? But I don’t have any management experience.

Ms. Ito: That’s OK. We know you can do it.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: What did Ms. Ito do?
A: She asked Hiroki for advice.
B: She offered Hiroki a better position.
C: She taught Hiroki management skills.






client meeting : 顧客との会議
presentation materials : プレゼンテーションの資料


I’m sorry. I wish I could は「(実際にはできないが)できたらいいのに」という表現。
look over は「(ざっと)目を通す」。


commitment は「約束」。
more than capable は「capable(できる)以上」ということ。

