基礎英語3 Lesson 161 We will open it at our 10-years reunion

基礎英語3 2018

Lesson 161 We will open it at our 10-years reunion


We will open it at our 10-years reunion

Mr. Tanaka: Hello, class. On your graduation day, we will bury a time capsule in the schoolyard. The capsule will have messages you write to yourselves in the future. I’d like all of you to take part in this.

Students: Yes, sir!

Miki: Mr. Tanaka, when do we open the time capsule?

Mr. Tanaka: We will open it at our 10-years reunion. So , please write a letter to yourself 10 years later.

Sho: What should we write?

Mr. Tanaka: Well, for example, you can write, “Did you become a school principal?” Write a question that you can answer in the future.

Sho: Yes, sir. Boy, this is going to be hard.



Words & Phrases

graduation 卒業
bury … ~を埋める
schoolyard  校庭
reunion  同窓会(「再会の集い)から」
school principal  校長

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